The place closes its activities on 31-12-2018 due to lack of funds.
Since 1993. Mind your head!
You can reach us from Monday to Friday from 4PM till 8PM.
Often we organize open workshops about new technologies and other tools (be update in the blog).
Address: C/ Sant Pau 58 Bajos – 08001 Barcelona – metro: Liceu – Tlf: (+34)933020630
Multiporpose venue of 45m2. Fully equipped workspace, office, wireless internet connection, mobiel studio and storeroom. Space for archive and consultancy. Living space available for residencies, equipped with kitchen, bathroom and sleeping quarters. The space is to share, yield and to hire.
[download plans and technical details here]
Centre de Creación Conservas:
Conservas as a set:
Viral using TubeGame for Babylon A.D., the last movie by Mathieu Kassovitz.
Convocation to the 15M (Indiganados Movement) organized in Conservas
After 3 years closed, the space Conservas reopens the 18th of april 2008:
- Welcome to Conservas
Free culture cannot exist unless the talent and contributions of each person are recognized. Free culture does not mean replacing and taking credit for the talent of others, it means adding together authorships, adding together modifications and improvements. That said, “To plagiarise does not mean to *appropriate* (which refers to exploitation rights, but to *take credit for* the work of others (taking credit is precisely about the moral aspect of a work). Plagiarism is punished by law and socially looked down on, so, what else do you suggest? Stoning to death? Crucifixion? Skinning alive? Dismemberment? There will always be plagiarisation, just as there are still compulsive liars and heartless trolls. That’s humans for you.” Miquel Vidal dixit So, don’t panic, cite your sources.
- (D’) EVOLUTION SUMMIT: The Returns of Culture
The (D’)Evolution Summit was a civil society meeting to open the minds of the European Community Ministers of Culture, who had gathered in Barcelona for an Informal Meeting in the framework of the Spanish Presidency of the European Union.
The Spanish Minister of Culture Ángeles González Sinde invited the Ministers of Culture of the 27 countries of the European Union (EU) to meet in Barcelona on March 30 and 31, to coincide with the final day of the European Forum for Cultural Industries organized by the Spanish Chamber of Commerce, the Ministry of Culture and the EU Commission of Education of the EU which began on March 29.
Giv€n th€ un€quivocal approach that was promi$€d by th€ m€€ting b€tw€€n Indu$try and “culture”, the creative community and civil society organized three days of activities to explain the culture that we propose for the digital era, a model of culture that benefits everybody, citizens, creators and entrepreneurs: a model of culture that stimulates creativity and not just profits, and, above all, a model that does not attack the Internet or the new possibilities that the Net offers creators and society in general. “Culture” is not just the audiovisual entertainment industry, it is much more: it is our cultural legacy, it is creators and it is every one of us.
We realised that the creative community and civil society may have missed out on an invitation to the Cultural Industries Forum due to the tight schedule of the Ministers. So as citizens, we decided to mitigate this omission by creating a parallel event, the (D’) EVOLUTION SUMMIT: The Returns of Culture.
We, the citizens, invited the Ministers, the speakers and the press to participate in the (D’) Evolution Summit, in order to understand what is really going on with culture and creators.
We timed the event to be compatible with the ministerial schedule, and members of the organisational team were on hand at all times to provide information.
The (D’) Evolution Citizen Summit, the Returns of Culture, explained and offered practical legal solutions to the new issues, based on the international “Charter for Innovation, Creativity and Access to Knowledge”, which is in line with the declaration of the UN Committee of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights [1]
From March 29 to 31, 2010, we organised continuous streaming of all the programmed activities, explaining what was said at the Forum of Cultural Industries and the Informal Meeting of Ministers and responding with answers, proposals and visions from citizens – as if we had been asked for our input.
The program alternated between sections that provided a detailed explanation of what will be required if we are to move towards a model that will be of benefit to everybody and ways to achieve this aim, and other sections that turned to practical examples.
(D’) EVOLUTION was divided into seven areas of action:
– We Create, We Decide: (Click here)
Artists must be able to live from their work if they so wish
– The Tracks Collector, reality show: (Click here)
Fair distribution of Royalties and reform of royalties management and collecting societies.
– Sharing is Necessary: (Click here)
How to protect our right to share, to quote and to link up in a world made up of autonomous and interconnected individuals
– I Co-produced Vicky Cristina Barcelona: (Click here)
Public money must have an impact on the public realm and not be privatized.
– New Models of Returns: Michel Bauwens, El Cosmonauta, YProductions
– The Internet will Not be another TV: (Click here)
We defend Net Neutrality and after this summit we began preparing for Granada, the next appointment.
Practical examples in action around Barcelona:
– Giving music to hairdressers vs. the greed that refuses to understand the future.
– We will not carry the Can for an industry that refuses to adapt to reality, by Leo Bassi.
– Looking for a (North) American friend: seeking help to talk to the US Ambassador about Report 301.
– The missing Panel
– Dear Ministers, this is what you think is happening, and this is what is happening:
live performances from the creative community as it really is: Derivart, Michel Bauwens (P2p Foundation) Màquina de Turing on “free download concert” …,
* (The Ministers were offered the chance to see the creative community in action, because we were sure they would prefer this rather than going to the Liceu to see a show that has been paid for using our money, but that we will never be able to afford).
[1] United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights [GE.06-40060 (E) 020206] . “The Committee considers that only the “author”, namely the creator, whether man or woman, individual or group of individuals, of scientific, literary or artistic productions, such as, inter alia, writers and artists, can be the beneficiary of the protection of article 15, paragraph 1 (c). (…) Under the existing international treaty protection regimes, legal entities are included among the holders of intellectual property rights. However, as noted above, their entitlements, because of their different nature, are not protected at the level of human rights.”.
- Their Crisis
After the oXcars we are preparing new tools to face their crisis 😉
- Advanced Realities, last performances in Barcelona
After more than one year on tour, if you didn’t see it, don’t miss it
25 – 26 – 27 – 28 of June – 9 PM at Conservas, 58 Sant Pau st. Reservation is necessary at 933020630
Please be on time, thank you.
Dazzled by democracy.
“This space belongs to everyone. Keep out of it.” Aleix Vidal Cuadras, politician.
It seems that we are living in a time of tension in our cities. Cracks are appearing in our way of life; angry crowds are on the streets demanding the implementation of the laws that guarantee housing for everyone; uncontrolled exchange of information is taking place on the internet; citizens are using the city as if it were their own and singing songs as if they owned the rights to them. People are losing respect for pro p e r t y. This interactive performanceconference offers to crisis-struck governments, political parties and the powers that be, solutions to pacify their citizens’ discontent, to clear up all misunderstandings and to stop citizens taking their rights into their own hands.The Advanced Realities Foundation – one speculator, one vote
A copyleft set-piece for performers, motion graphics, tactical videos, audiences and telematic systems for democratic participation.
The first show that is so open source, you can take it home with you.
- The EXGAE opens
WEDNESDAY 14th of MAY – 19,30h
Multiply and share forth. For the free sharing of knowledge and understanding. At Conservas, Calle Sant Pau 58 – Barcelona
The grand opening of the EXGAE, the first legal advice service specialising in the liberation of all citizens and creators from the abuses of the SGAE and all other bureaucratic organisations.
The EXGAE opens with the notion of channelling the popular and justified hostility towards bureaucratic bodies like the SGAE, equipping people with artistic and legal skills to finally put an end to these entities.
- Some story