Welcome to Conservas

Licence: Free culture cannot exist unless the talent and contributions of each person are recognized. Free culture does not mean replacing and taking credit for the talent of others, it means adding together authorships, adding together modifications and improvements. That said, “To plagiarise does not mean to *appropriate* (which refers to exploitation rights, but to …


Energy Union Barcelona

Castellano: Energy Union Barcelona Telenoika presenta: Energy Union Barcelona el tour 2010 d’Energia Intel·ligent 7-8-9 de setembre de 2010 @ Conservas / carrer Sant Pau, 58 Liceu http://energyunion.eu/ca/tour/barcelona http://www.facebook.com/energyunion Telenoika us presenta l’ Energy Union Tour, un projecte que ens arriba des de moltes ciutats europees. És una campanya de difusió sobre com fer un …


(D’) EVOLUTION SUMMIT: The Returns of Culture

WE CREATE, WE DECIDE The (D’)Evolution Summit was a civil society meeting to open the minds of the European Community Ministers of Culture, who had gathered in Barcelona for an Informal Meeting in the framework of the Spanish Presidency of the European Union. The Spanish Minister of Culture Ángeles González Sinde invited the Ministers of …


The EXGAE opens

WEDNESDAY 14th of MAY – 19,30h Multiply and share forth. For the free sharing of knowledge and understanding. At Conservas, Calle Sant Pau 58 – Barcelona The grand opening of the EXGAE, the first legal advice service specialising in the liberation of all citizens and creators from the abuses of the SGAE and all other …


Some story

The reopening. Mind your head! To receive more information about Conservas’ activities, suscribe to the newsletter. Tras 3 años cerrada, la sala volvió a abrir el 18 de abril de 2008: